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AP®︎/College US History

8,700 possible mastery points
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Meet one of our AP®︎ US History content creators

Meet Kim, one of the creators of Khan Academy's AP®︎ US History lessons. Kim earned her PhD in history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and taught US history at the college level for eight years. She has graded the AP US History exam in the past and is currently hard at work creating videos and exercises to help students master US history!
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Meet one of our AP®︎ US History content creators

Meet Kim, one of the creators of Khan Academy's AP®︎ US History lessons. Kim earned her PhD in history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and taught US history at the college level for eight years. She has graded the AP US History exam in the past and is currently hard at work creating videos and exercises to help students master US history!
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