
Consolidate to Graph

Graph databases in many cases can replace a myriad of disparate database technologies

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"Why ArangoDB? It's a Native Multimodal Database for graph, document, key/value, and search engine all in one engine, and accessible with one query language. It has a Document store. That's why we selected ArangoDB."

– Amr AbdAlaziz, Big Data Engineer
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(no credit card required), and experience the shortest time to value for a hosted graph DB.

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You can try out ArangoGraph FREE for 14 days. No credit card required and you are not obligated to keep using ArangoGraph.

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RDBMS to Graph Guide

Learn ho to migrate your Analytics to Graph

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speed & efficiency

Graph Databases are Built for Relationships

SQL databases are great for structured data but struggle with complex relationships. Joining tables for interconnected data leads to complex queries with slow performance. As data and relationships grow, SQL databases are less efficient than graph databases, which deliver high performance when navigating data with complex relationships.

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higher performance

“Schema Free” vs.
Complex Joins

Graph databases are "schema-free," focusing on nodes and edges for flexible and high-performance representation of complex relationships. Graph databases adapt more seamlessly than SQL databases to changing business conditions and new data additions.

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focus on relationships

AI/ML Ready

When it comes to Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the advantage of Graph Databases over SQL databases lies in their focus on relationships. ML and AI models heavily rely on understanding data connections and dependencies to make accurate predictions and gain valuable insights.

efficient and fast

Simplified Data Import

Graph databases allow for easy and dynamic addition of new data without the need to define rigid table structures or schemas. This makes data loading more straightforward and efficient as there is no need to predefine data types and relationships.

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world of graph

No Data Redundancy

Imagine having to create a separate dataset that normalizes data into separate tables, introducing additional complexity in data preparation. This is the world of trying to represent complex relationships in a RDBMS. In graph databases, relationships are inherently modeled, dramatically reducing complexity and redundancy.

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(no credit card required), and experience the shortest time to value for a hosted graph DB.

Sign up for ArangoGraph Insights Platform

Before signing up, please accept our terms & conditions and privacy policy.

What to expect after you signup
You can try out ArangoGraph FREE for 14 days. No credit card required and you are not obligated to keep using ArangoGraph.

At the end of your free trial, enter your credit card details to continue using ArangoGraph.

If you decide that ArangoGraph is not (yet) for you, you can simply leave and come back later.

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RDBMS to Graph Guide

Learn how to migrate your Analytics to Graph

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